Just because you started a business does not mean you have to do every job.
E-volved leaders know where to spend their time and energy to maximize their results.


Just because you started a business does not mean you have to do every job.
E-volved leaders know where to spend their time and energy to maximize their results.

A Leader By Design…

Has self-awareness.
They understand their strengths and how to leverage them.
Embraces vulnerability.
They are comfortable being vulnerable and acknowledging what they don’t know.
Delegates and elevates.
Leaders delegate so that 80% of their time is spent on the things they are good at and love to do.
Becoming a better leader is an ongoing process, but even small improvements help develop those around you and create momentum on your team.

A Leader By Design…

They understand their strengths and how to leverage them.
Embraces vulnerability.
They are comfortable being vulnerable and acknowledging what they don’t know.
Delegates and elevates.
Leaders delegate so that 80% of their time is spent on the things they are good at and love to do.
Becoming a better leader is an ongoing process, but even small improvements help develop those around you and create momentum on your team.

Meet with The Profit Recipe team for one of our facilitated leadership sessions

The Profit Recipe speaks your language. We understand the leadership skills entrepreneurs need for success, and can show you how to elevate your team. We have over 50 years of combined real-world leadership experience, so our team can help even new leaders become coaches and managers who direct valuable teams that drive growth.

Meet with The Profit Recipe team for one of our facilitated leadership sessions

Meet with The Profit Recipe team for one of our facilitated leadership sessions

The Profit Recipe speaks your language. We understand the leadership skills entrepreneurs need for success, and can show you how to elevate your team. We have over 50 years of combined real-world leadership experience, so our team can help even new leaders become coaches and managers who direct valuable teams that drive growth.
Get real feedback on how to leverage your strengths to become a better leader.
Understand your Purpose and Values to evolve as a leader and create clarity of message.
Learn how to hold team members accountable in a systemized way.

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Hundreds of South Florida leaders are sharing best practices to E-volve in their business, leadership, and teams. Join them at the next event and see what the hype is about!

Connect with other leader like you

Hundreds of South Florida leaders are sharing best practices to E-volve in their business, leadership, and teams. Join them at the next event and see what the hype is about!

Go deeper on being a Leader By Design

What’s the next step in the flywheel

by design

by design

What’s the next step in the flywheel

by design

by design